About Travelorama

Travelorama is headquartered in Nicosia, Cyprus. With over 30 years of experience, Travelorama offers Tailor-Made Packages for Groups and has extensive experience in organising Events, Conferences and Incentives as well as Travel Experiences with a special emphasis on Culture, History, Religion and Hiking. Travelorama handles each of their customers’ requests with the same care, dedication and attention, no matter if it is for an individual client or a group of five hundred.

Travelorama is also an IATA agent since 2003, serving its corporate valued clients as a Travel Management Company. Among our valued clients we have exclusivity accounts with law Firms, Bank Institutions, Importers , Hoteliers , Government and many others. From chartering over ten flights for live animals, to the operation of All Hotel reservations during the EU Presidency of Cyprus – for six months during June – December 2012. The Managing Director and founder, Mr Vasilis Stamataris has almost three decades of experience in the Travel & Tourism Industry. As an approved International Travel Consultant, he served over several posts in the industry, accumulating the relevant know-how and expertise. He is the President of the Association of Cyprus Travel Agents, and is currently on his 5th consecutive term as a member of the Board. He is also the Chairman of APJC-IATA Cyprus and a Fellow member of the Institute Travel & Tourism U.K.

Travelorama aims to provide Quality Service at the best possible price. We are delighted that Travelorama joined the fast-growing UNIGLOBE Family, a partnership that presents a strategic importance for Travelorama as well as the UNIGLOBE Network.