********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** CUSTOM custom waterproofing remaining chlorine FTC-1000PE in total Standard sensor (FTCS-01PE) for the waterproofing remaining chlorine meter body + remaining chlorine meter I display free residual chlorine level temperature at the same time.
● Dust proofing of IP67 is waterproofing-resistant. ● "A locking automatically function" to hold measurements after measurements were stable. ● A backlight function. ● For a polarographic method (3 electrodes type) a reagent is unnecessary. ● To the experiment equipment of each quality of the water investigation (e.g. : pollution monitoring of factory effluent a water tank and the river water) and school.
Electrical performance
A range: 0.00-10.00 mg/L resolving power: 0.01 mg/L Measurement accuracy: ±2 %FS ATC (automatic temperature revision function): Available
● IP67の防塵、防水耐性。
● 測定値が安定した後に、測定値をホールドする「オートロック機能」。
● バックライト機能。
● ポーラログラフ方式(3電極式)の為、試薬が不要です。
● 各水質調査(例:工場排水、貯水槽や河川水の公害監視など)や、学校の実験備品などに。
※ 当該商品は自社販売と在庫を共有しているため、在庫更新のタイミングにより、在庫切れの場合やむをえずキャンセルさせていただく可能性があります。
測定精度:± 2 %FS、 ATC(自動温度補正機能):あり
【Product description in English】
CUSTOM custom waterproofing remaining chlorine FTC-1000PE in total
Standard sensor (FTCS-01PE) for the waterproofing remaining chlorine meter body + remaining chlorine meter
I display free residual chlorine level temperature at the same time.
● Dust proofing of IP67 is waterproofing-resistant.
● "A locking automatically function" to hold measurements after measurements were stable.
● A backlight function.
● For a polarographic method (3 electrodes type) a reagent is unnecessary.
● To the experiment equipment of each quality of the water investigation (e.g. : pollution monitoring of factory effluent a water tank and the river water) and school.
Measurement accuracy: ±2 %FS ATC (automatic temperature revision function): Available