特徴: 使いやすい速乾性のスティックのり。ムラなくしっかり貼れます。紙、写真、布などに。 ◆材質:主成分:水性アクリル系粘着剤 ◆パッケージサイズ:W3×D3×H12.2cm ◆パッケージ重量:66g 収容量:40g Features: The fast-dry stick paste which it is easy to use. I can put it evenly well. On paper a photograph cloth.
◆Materials: A chief ingredient: Aqueous acrylic system adhesive ◆Package size: W3 X D3 X H12 .2cm ◆Package weight: 66 g Quantity of accommodation: 40 g
The fast-dry stick paste which it is easy to use. I can put it evenly well. On paper a photograph cloth.
◆Materials: A chief ingredient: Aqueous acrylic system adhesive
◆Package size: W3 X D3 X H12 .2cm
◆Package weight: 66 g
Quantity of accommodation: 40 g