Ancient Chinese Art, Ancient Chinese Ceramics, Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty, Blue and White Blue and White Flowers, Tang Cao Wen, Pill Mouths, Bottles, Cans, Flowers in the Tang objects, ancient ferry products
無傷! 経年の古擦れはございます ご了承ください!
No damage! There are some scratches due to age Please understand!
中国古美術 中国古陶磁 大清乾隆年製款 青華青花 花唐草文 丸口 瓶 罐 花入れ
唐物 古渡り品 です
Ancient Chinese Art, Ancient Chinese Ceramics, Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty, Blue and White Blue and White Flowers, Tang Cao Wen, Pill Mouths, Bottles, Cans, Flowers in the
Tang objects, ancient ferry products
No damage!
There are some scratches due to age
Please understand!
口径 約6.6cm 口内径 約5.9cm 胴径 約13.5cm 高さ 約33.8cm
お箱はございません 完全梱包いたします!
There is no box, but it will be fully packed!
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#中国古美術 #中国古陶磁器 #中国古玩
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#飾り物 #古陶磁器 #花唐草文様 #丸口
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