特徴: 左右の紙押さえが出来る文鎮2本組セット。半紙の両端に置いて使えば紙がずれにくく大変便利です。 ◆本体サイズ:1本サイズ:横115×縦21×高さ14mm ◆本体重量:1本:130g A characteristic: The paper weight 2 regular company of fire fighters set that the paper weight of right and left is made. If I put it at the both ends of the standard size Japanese paper and use it paper is hard to slip off and is very convenient.
◆Body size: One size: 115* wide length 21* 14mm in height ◆Body weight: One: 130 g
A characteristic:
The paper weight 2 regular company of fire fighters set that the paper weight of right and left is made. If I put it at the both ends of the standard size Japanese paper and use it paper is hard to slip off and is very convenient.
◆Body size: One size: 115* wide length 21* 14mm in height
◆Body weight: One: 130 g