特徴: 季節の挨拶、普段のご無沙汰、伝えたい気持ちを手紙にこめて 商品仕様: ◆Y22行◆入数:50枚◆天のり製本 ◆材質:特殊紙57g A characteristic: Put the greetings of the season everyday long silence the feeling that you want to convey in a letter
Product specifications: ◆Y22 line ◆ number containing: 50 pieces of ◆ sky paste binding
A characteristic:
Put the greetings of the season everyday long silence the feeling that you want to convey in a letter
Product specifications:
◆Y22 line ◆ number containing: 50 pieces of ◆ sky paste binding
◆Materials: 57 g of Tokushu Paper Mfg.