ミツビシ_EMOTT(エモット) PEM-SY10CNO.1 PEMSY10C.NO1(20セット) 描線幅:0.4mm従来のサインペンと異なり、ペン芯をアウターで覆うことでペン先がつぶれず、耐久性のある折れにくいペン芯となっています。EMOTT。PEM-SY10C。◆耐水性顔料インク◆色内容:イエロー、オレンジ、ライトグリーン、グリーン、フューシャ、◆ピンク、レッド、ブラウン、ブラック、ブルー Drawn line width: Unlike a felt pen of 0.4mm before a pen point is not destroyed by covering the pen core in an outer and it is the durable pen core which is hard to compromise. EMOTT. PEM-SY10C. ◆Water resistant color ink ◆ color contents: Yellow orange light green green fuchsia ◆ pink red brown black blue
ミツビシ_EMOTT(エモット) PEM-SY10CNO.1 PEMSY10C.NO1(20セット)
Drawn line width: Unlike a felt pen of 0.4mm before a pen point is not destroyed by covering the pen core in an outer and it is the durable pen core which is hard to compromise. EMOTT. PEM-SY10C. ◆Water resistant color ink ◆ color contents: Yellow orange light green green fuchsia ◆ pink red brown black blue