ミドリ/きれいな手紙便箋横罫 4902805205153(20セット) W177×H250mm手紙の文章が美しく見えるバランスが一目瞭然「秘密の下敷き」付の便箋です。 ◆横罫17行◆30枚入◆付録:付録台紙の使い方、手紙の基本、文字のお手本、秘密の下敷き The balance that the sentence of the W177 X H250mm letter looks beautiful is letter paper with "the sheet of plastic of the secret" clear at a glance. ◆Wide ruled line 17 ◆ 30 pieces ◆ appendix containing: How to use appendix mount basics of the letter copybook of the letter secret sheet of plastic
ミドリ/きれいな手紙便箋横罫 4902805205153(20セット)
The balance that the sentence of the W177 X H250mm letter looks beautiful is letter paper with "the sheet of plastic of the secret" clear at a glance.
◆Wide ruled line 17 ◆ 30 pieces ◆ appendix containing: How to use appendix mount basics of the letter copybook of the letter secret sheet of plastic