エーワン 写真シール高画質STAMP 29668 高画質だから色がきれい!毎日の記録からとっておきの出来事まで、思い出を楽しく記録するシールです。中くらいサイズの横長シールが作れます。 メーカー印刷ソフト「ラベル屋さん」やiPhone対応アプリを使って簡単にレイアウトできます。 対応プリンター:インクジェット(染料/顔料) 顔料インクでは、表面素材の特性上、インクが乾きにくいので、印刷面にはできるだけ触れないようにしてください。 ●入数:3シート(27片) ●シートサイズ:はがきサイズ(100×148mm) ●一片サイズ:36.5mm×28mm ●面付:9面 3列×3段 ●厚み:0.15mm ●ラベル・カード厚み:0.10mm ●材質:ポリエステルフィルム ●用紙特性: ・光沢 ・フィルム Because it is high-resolution a color is clean! From an everyday record to a special event it is a seal recording a memory happily. I can make an oblong seal of the average size. I can easily lay it out using a maker print software "label person" and iPhone-adaptive application. A correspondence printer: Ink-jet (dye / color) As ink is hard to dry in the characteristic of the surface material with the color ink prevent you from touching a print side as much as possible. ●入数: 3 sheet (27 slices) ●Seat size: Postcard size (100*148mm) ●One slice of size: 36.5mm *28mm ●Expression: Nine three lines *3 step ●Thickness: 0.15mm ●Label card thickness: 0.10mm ●Materials: Polyester film ●Paper properties: ・Luster film
●面付:9面 3列×3段
●用紙特性: ・光沢 ・フィルム
Because it is high-resolution a color is clean! From an everyday record to a special event it is a seal recording a memory happily. I can make an oblong seal of the average size.
I can easily lay it out using a maker print software "label person" and iPhone-adaptive application.
A correspondence printer: Ink-jet (dye / color)
As ink is hard to dry in the characteristic of the surface material with the color ink prevent you from touching a print side as much as possible.
●入数: 3 sheet (27 slices)
●Seat size: Postcard size (100*148mm)
●One slice of size: 36.5mm *28mm
●Expression: Nine three lines *3 step
●Thickness: 0.15mm
●Label card thickness: 0.10mm
●Materials: Polyester film
●Paper properties: ・Luster film