東洋エンタープライズ社(Toyo Enterprises)のワークウェアレーベル・SUGAR CANE(シュガーケーン)のメンズカジュアルレザースタッズベルト(メンズ スタッズ付きレザーベルト シングルピンバックルレザーベルト)です。 このベルトに使用されている革は、北米産カウハイドをミモザ樹皮から抽出したタンニン液で長期間鞣したものです。染色には、革本来の風合いを活かすアニリン染料が使用されています。使い込むことで経年変化により味わい深い風合いになっていきます。美錠(シングルピンバックル/尾錠)はシルバーカラー(銀色)の鉄製スクウェア型バックルです。 レザーストラップには形のメタルスタッズが打ち付けられ、ベルトに装飾的なデザインが加えられています。 サイズは固定式ですので、ベルトカットによってサイズ調節はできません。 バックルはレザーストラップを縫い付けることで固定されていますので取り外しはできません。 ベルト幅は約40mmで、厚みは約4mmで、ベルトの穴数は5穴です。 ベルト穴の間隔は1インチ(約2.5cm)刻みです。 サイズ選びの目安です。普段履かれているパンツの2-3サイズアップがおすすめです。 例) ・32:普段メンズ29-30インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ・34:普段メンズ31-32インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ・36:普段メンズ33-34インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ・38:普段メンズ35-36インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ・40:普段メンズ37-38インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ※ご注意 ※この商品には箱はつきません。※天然の革を使用しているため、革には多少のキズや色ムラがございます。予めご了承頂きましたうえ、ご検討、ご購入下さい。※この製品は革本来の自然な風合いをいかすように仕上げられています。そのため、摩擦や、発汗、水濡れなどにより多少色落ちがしますので、淡い色の衣服でのご着用の際は充分にご注意ください。※ 本製品には天然皮革を使用しておりますため、風合いや色合いには若干の個体差が生じます。また、シワやシボ、怪我の痕や血筋(ちすじ)と呼ばれる血管の痕など、動物として生活していた名残が革にも現れてまいります。※着用時の摩擦や水濡れにより色落ちや色移りする場合がありますのでご注意ください。 作品名は「SC02321 Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises Men"s Casual Fashion Studded Leather Belt with Classical and Fashionable Forms of Vintage Leather Belt / Mens Cowhide Leather Belt with Non-Removable Single Prong Square-Shaped Buckle / Cowhide Leather Belt with Pin Closure for Men / Lot No. SC02321 / SUGAR CANE STUDS BELT / This men"s casual leather studded belt is crafted by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises in Japan. This studded leather belt is a classic accessory that combines timeless style with strength and durability. The leather strap is crafted from North American cowhide carefully tanned over time using tannin extracted from mimosa bark. This process ensures durability and a rich natural texture. The leather is then dyed with aniline dye preserving its inherent beauty and enhancing its appearance. The belt measures approximately 40mm in width (1.57 inches) and 4mm in thickness (0.16 inches). Designed for long-lasting use the leather will develop a unique and attractive patina over time adding to its charm and character. This belt is made from 100% pure genuine thick cowhide leather featuring a single piece that measures 1.57 inches (40mm) in width and 0.16 inches (4mm) in thickness. It has 5 holes and is secured with a durable non-removable square-shaped iron buckle in a silver color for added strength. The leather strap is adorned with decorative circular steel riveted studs giving your outfit a distinctive and stylish edge. This belt is a new original creation by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises combining classic elements with a modern style. / シュガーケーン スタッズベルト レザーベルト カウハイド牛革製レザー メンズ カジュアル ファッション アメカジ スクエアバックル バックル取り外し不可 本革レザーベルト シルバーカラー(銀色)鉄製メタル美錠 シングルピン 40mm幅 4mm厚 レザーストラップ」です。 関連商品です
東洋エンタープライズ社(Toyo Enterprises)のワークウェアレーベル・SUGAR CANE(シュガーケーン)のメンズカジュアルレザースタッズベルト(メンズ スタッズ付きレザーベルト シングルピンバックルレザーベルト)です。 このベルトに使用されている革は、北米産カウハイドをミモザ樹皮から抽出したタンニン液で長期間鞣したものです。染色には、革本来の風合いを活かすアニリン染料が使用されています。使い込むことで経年変化により味わい深い風合いになっていきます。美錠(シングルピンバックル/尾錠)はシルバーカラー(銀色)の鉄製スクウェア型バックルです。 レザーストラップには形のメタルスタッズが打ち付けられ、ベルトに装飾的なデザインが加えられています。 サイズは固定式ですので、ベルトカットによってサイズ調節はできません。 バックルはレザーストラップを縫い付けることで固定されていますので取り外しはできません。 ベルト幅は約40mmで、厚みは約4mmで、ベルトの穴数は5穴です。 ベルト穴の間隔は1インチ(約2.5cm)刻みです。 サイズ選びの目安です。普段履かれているパンツの2-3サイズアップがおすすめです。 例) ・32:普段メンズ29-30インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ・34:普段メンズ31-32インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ・36:普段メンズ33-34インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ・38:普段メンズ35-36インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ・40:普段メンズ37-38インチのパンツを着用される方向けです。 ※ご注意 ※この商品には箱はつきません。※天然の革を使用しているため、革には多少のキズや色ムラがございます。予めご了承頂きましたうえ、ご検討、ご購入下さい。※この製品は革本来の自然な風合いをいかすように仕上げられています。そのため、摩擦や、発汗、水濡れなどにより多少色落ちがしますので、淡い色の衣服でのご着用の際は充分にご注意ください。※ 本製品には天然皮革を使用しておりますため、風合いや色合いには若干の個体差が生じます。また、シワやシボ、怪我の痕や血筋(ちすじ)と呼ばれる血管の痕など、動物として生活していた名残が革にも現れてまいります。※着用時の摩擦や水濡れにより色落ちや色移りする場合がありますのでご注意ください。 作品名は「SC02321 Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises Men"s Casual Fashion Studded Leather Belt with Classical and Fashionable Forms of Vintage Leather Belt / Mens Cowhide Leather Belt with Non-Removable Single Prong Square-Shaped Buckle / Cowhide Leather Belt with Pin Closure for Men / Lot No. SC02321 / SUGAR CANE STUDS BELT / This men"s casual leather studded belt is crafted by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises in Japan. This studded leather belt is a classic accessory that combines timeless style with strength and durability. The leather strap is crafted from North American cowhide carefully tanned over time using tannin extracted from mimosa bark. This process ensures durability and a rich natural texture. The leather is then dyed with aniline dye preserving its inherent beauty and enhancing its appearance. The belt measures approximately 40mm in width (1.57 inches) and 4mm in thickness (0.16 inches). Designed for long-lasting use the leather will develop a unique and attractive patina over time adding to its charm and character. This belt is made from 100% pure genuine thick cowhide leather featuring a single piece that measures 1.57 inches (40mm) in width and 0.16 inches (4mm) in thickness. It has 5 holes and is secured with a durable non-removable square-shaped iron buckle in a silver color for added strength. The leather strap is adorned with decorative circular steel riveted studs giving your outfit a distinctive and stylish edge. This belt is a new original creation by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises combining classic elements with a modern style. / シュガーケーン スタッズベルト レザーベルト カウハイド牛革製レザー メンズ カジュアル ファッション アメカジ スクエアバックル バックル取り外し不可 本革レザーベルト シルバーカラー(銀色)鉄製メタル美錠 シングルピン 40mm幅 4mm厚 レザーストラップ」です。 Product Description in English. Sugar Cane Studded Belt Men"s Ccasual 40mm Wide/4mm Thick Cowhide Leather Belt with Single Prong Square-Shaped Buckle SC02321 This men"s casual leather studded belt is crafted by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises in Japan. This studded leather belt is a classic accessory that combines timeless style with strength and durability. The leather strap is crafted from North American cowhide carefully tanned over time using tannin extracted from mimosa bark. This process ensures durability and a rich natural texture. The leather is then dyed with aniline dye preserving its inherent beauty and enhancing its appearance. The belt measures approximately 40mm in width (1.57 inches) and 4mm in thickness (0.16 inches). Designed for long-lasting use the leather will develop a unique and attractive patina over time adding to its charm and character. This belt is made from 100% pure genuine thick cowhide leather featuring a single piece that measures 1.57 inches (40mm) in width and 0.16 inches (4mm) in thickness. It has 5 holes and is secured with a durable non-removable square-shaped iron buckle in a silver color for added strength. The leather strap is adorned with decorative circular steel riveted studs giving your outfit a distinctive and stylish edge. This belt is a new original creation by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises combining classic elements with a modern style. Gender : Men. How to select the belt size. When selecting a belt an easy method to determine your size is to add 2 inches to your usual pant waist size. For example if you wear pants with a 32-inch waist a size 34 belt is recommended. If your pant waist size is an odd number it is advisable to add 3 inches instead of 2. Therefore if your pant size is 31 opt for a size 34 belt. Additionally when choosing a belt for low-rise trousers or jeans adding 3 or 4 inches to your pant size will ensure a comfortable and proper fit. ・Tagged size 32: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 29"-30" waist ・Tagged size 34: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 31"-32" waist ・Tagged size 36: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 33"-34" waist ・Tagged size 38: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 35"-26" waist ・Tagged size 40: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 37"-38" waist Strap : The leather strap is crafted from North American cowhide carefully tanned over time using tannin extracted from mimosa bark. This process ensures durability and a rich natural texture. The leather is then dyed with aniline dye preserving its inherent beauty and enhancing its appearance. The belt measures approximately 40mm in width (1.57 inches) and 4mm in thickness (0.16 inches). Designed for long-lasting use the leather will develop a unique and attractive patina over time adding to its charm and character. This belt is made from 100% pure genuine thick cowhide leather featuring a single piece that measures 1.57 inches (40mm) in width and 0.16 inches (4mm) in thickness. It has 5 holes and is secured with a durable Buckle : Non-removable square-shaped iron buckle in a silver color for added strength. The buckle is securely attached to the leather strap to ensure long-lasting durability. Once the leather strap is threaded through the buckle it is folded back and double-stitched at the overlapped section. This method ensures that the buckle remains permanently fixed significantly enhancing the belt"s overall strength and longevity. Fixed Size: The belt comes in a fixed size and cannot be adjusted by cutting. Non-Removable Buckle: The buckle is securely attached by stitching the leather strap and cannot be removed. Belt Dimensions: The belt is approximately 40mm wide and 4mm thick. Belt Holes: There are 5 holes on the belt with each hole spaced 1 inch (approximately 2.5cm) apart. Brand Logo: The Sugar Cane brand logo is engraved on the side of the belt strap with the buckle. Studs: The leather strap is adorned with decorative circular steel riveted studs giving your outfit a distinctive and stylish edge. Model: SC02321 Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises Men"s Casual Fashion Studded Leather Belt with Classical and Fashionable Forms of Vintage Leather Belt / Mens Cowhide Leather Belt with Non-Removable Single Prong Square-Shaped Buckle / Cowhide Leather Belt with Pin Closure for Men / Lot No. SC02321 / SUGAR CANE STUDS BELT. Notices: No Box Included: This product does not come with a box. Natural Leather Characteristics: This item is made from natural leather which may have slight imperfections or color variations. We appreciate your understanding and consideration of this before making a purchase. Natural Finish: The leather is finished to preserve its natural texture and appearance. As a result some color transfer may occur due to friction perspiration or contact with water. Please exercise caution when wearing light-colored clothing. Unique Variations: Due to the use of natural leather there may be slight individual differences in texture and color. Marks such as wrinkles grain scars and visible blood vessels reflect the natural life of the animal. Color Transfer Warning: Color transfer or fading may occur with friction or exposure to water. Please take appropriate precautions when wearing this product. Thank you for your understanding and consideration when purchasing this item. Made in Japan Brand-new new condition with tags. *Please understand that measurements may vary somewhat. *Note that actual color may be slightly different from one in the photo.
シュガーケーン スタッズベルト SC02321 Sugar Cane メンズ 40mm幅 4mm厚 牛革 レザーベルト スクエア型バックル メンズ カジュアル ベルト 新品
byToyo Enterprises
※ご注意 ※この商品には箱はつきません。※天然の革を使用しているため、革には多少のキズや色ムラがございます。予めご了承頂きましたうえ、ご検討、ご購入下さい。※この製品は革本来の自然な風合いをいかすように仕上げられています。そのため、摩擦や、発汗、水濡れなどにより多少色落ちがしますので、淡い色の衣服でのご着用の際は充分にご注意ください。※ 本製品には天然皮革を使用しておりますため、風合いや色合いには若干の個体差が生じます。また、シワやシボ、怪我の痕や血筋(ちすじ)と呼ばれる血管の痕など、動物として生活していた名残が革にも現れてまいります。※着用時の摩擦や水濡れにより色落ちや色移りする場合がありますのでご注意ください。
作品名は「SC02321 Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises Men"s Casual Fashion Studded Leather Belt with Classical and Fashionable Forms of Vintage Leather Belt / Mens Cowhide Leather Belt with Non-Removable Single Prong Square-Shaped Buckle / Cowhide Leather Belt with Pin Closure for Men / Lot No. SC02321 / SUGAR CANE STUDS BELT / This men"s casual leather studded belt is crafted by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises in Japan. This studded leather belt is a classic accessory that combines timeless style with strength and durability. The leather strap is crafted from North American cowhide carefully tanned over time using tannin extracted from mimosa bark. This process ensures durability and a rich natural texture. The leather is then dyed with aniline dye preserving its inherent beauty and enhancing its appearance. The belt measures approximately 40mm in width (1.57 inches) and 4mm in thickness (0.16 inches). Designed for long-lasting use the leather will develop a unique and attractive patina over time adding to its charm and character. This belt is made from 100% pure genuine thick cowhide leather featuring a single piece that measures 1.57 inches (40mm) in width and 0.16 inches (4mm) in thickness. It has 5 holes and is secured with a durable non-removable square-shaped iron buckle in a silver color for added strength. The leather strap is adorned with decorative circular steel riveted studs giving your outfit a distinctive and stylish edge. This belt is a new original creation by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises combining classic elements with a modern style. / シュガーケーン スタッズベルト レザーベルト カウハイド牛革製レザー メンズ カジュアル ファッション アメカジ スクエアバックル バックル取り外し不可 本革レザーベルト シルバーカラー(銀色)鉄製メタル美錠 シングルピン 40mm幅 4mm厚 レザーストラップ」です。
東洋エンタープライズ社(Toyo Enterprises)のワークウェアレーベル・SUGAR CANE(シュガーケーン)のメンズカジュアルレザースタッズベルト(メンズ スタッズ付きレザーベルト シングルピンバックルレザーベルト)です。
※ご注意 ※この商品には箱はつきません。※天然の革を使用しているため、革には多少のキズや色ムラがございます。予めご了承頂きましたうえ、ご検討、ご購入下さい。※この製品は革本来の自然な風合いをいかすように仕上げられています。そのため、摩擦や、発汗、水濡れなどにより多少色落ちがしますので、淡い色の衣服でのご着用の際は充分にご注意ください。※ 本製品には天然皮革を使用しておりますため、風合いや色合いには若干の個体差が生じます。また、シワやシボ、怪我の痕や血筋(ちすじ)と呼ばれる血管の痕など、動物として生活していた名残が革にも現れてまいります。※着用時の摩擦や水濡れにより色落ちや色移りする場合がありますのでご注意ください。
作品名は「SC02321 Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises Men"s Casual Fashion Studded Leather Belt with Classical and Fashionable Forms of Vintage Leather Belt / Mens Cowhide Leather Belt with Non-Removable Single Prong Square-Shaped Buckle / Cowhide Leather Belt with Pin Closure for Men / Lot No. SC02321 / SUGAR CANE STUDS BELT / This men"s casual leather studded belt is crafted by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises in Japan. This studded leather belt is a classic accessory that combines timeless style with strength and durability. The leather strap is crafted from North American cowhide carefully tanned over time using tannin extracted from mimosa bark. This process ensures durability and a rich natural texture. The leather is then dyed with aniline dye preserving its inherent beauty and enhancing its appearance. The belt measures approximately 40mm in width (1.57 inches) and 4mm in thickness (0.16 inches). Designed for long-lasting use the leather will develop a unique and attractive patina over time adding to its charm and character. This belt is made from 100% pure genuine thick cowhide leather featuring a single piece that measures 1.57 inches (40mm) in width and 0.16 inches (4mm) in thickness. It has 5 holes and is secured with a durable non-removable square-shaped iron buckle in a silver color for added strength. The leather strap is adorned with decorative circular steel riveted studs giving your outfit a distinctive and stylish edge. This belt is a new original creation by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises combining classic elements with a modern style. / シュガーケーン スタッズベルト レザーベルト カウハイド牛革製レザー メンズ カジュアル ファッション アメカジ スクエアバックル バックル取り外し不可 本革レザーベルト シルバーカラー(銀色)鉄製メタル美錠 シングルピン 40mm幅 4mm厚 レザーストラップ」です。
Product Description in English.
Sugar Cane Studded Belt Men"s Ccasual 40mm Wide/4mm Thick Cowhide Leather Belt with Single Prong Square-Shaped Buckle SC02321
This men"s casual leather studded belt is crafted by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises in Japan. This studded leather belt is a classic accessory that combines timeless style with strength and durability. The leather strap is crafted from North American cowhide carefully tanned over time using tannin extracted from mimosa bark. This process ensures durability and a rich natural texture. The leather is then dyed with aniline dye preserving its inherent beauty and enhancing its appearance. The belt measures approximately 40mm in width (1.57 inches) and 4mm in thickness (0.16 inches). Designed for long-lasting use the leather will develop a unique and attractive patina over time adding to its charm and character. This belt is made from 100% pure genuine thick cowhide leather featuring a single piece that measures 1.57 inches (40mm) in width and 0.16 inches (4mm) in thickness. It has 5 holes and is secured with a durable non-removable square-shaped iron buckle in a silver color for added strength. The leather strap is adorned with decorative circular steel riveted studs giving your outfit a distinctive and stylish edge. This belt is a new original creation by Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises combining classic elements with a modern style.
Gender : Men.
How to select the belt size.
When selecting a belt an easy method to determine your size is to add 2 inches to your usual pant waist size. For example if you wear pants with a 32-inch waist a size 34 belt is recommended.
If your pant waist size is an odd number it is advisable to add 3 inches instead of 2. Therefore if your pant size is 31 opt for a size 34 belt.
Additionally when choosing a belt for low-rise trousers or jeans adding 3 or 4 inches to your pant size will ensure a comfortable and proper fit.
・Tagged size 32: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 29"-30" waist
・Tagged size 34: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 31"-32" waist
・Tagged size 36: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 33"-34" waist
・Tagged size 38: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 35"-26" waist
・Tagged size 40: Suitable for men who usually wear pants with a 37"-38" waist
Strap : The leather strap is crafted from North American cowhide carefully tanned over time using tannin extracted from mimosa bark. This process ensures durability and a rich natural texture. The leather is then dyed with aniline dye preserving its inherent beauty and enhancing its appearance. The belt measures approximately 40mm in width (1.57 inches) and 4mm in thickness (0.16 inches). Designed for long-lasting use the leather will develop a unique and attractive patina over time adding to its charm and character. This belt is made from 100% pure genuine thick cowhide leather featuring a single piece that measures 1.57 inches (40mm) in width and 0.16 inches (4mm) in thickness. It has 5 holes and is secured with a durable
Buckle : Non-removable square-shaped iron buckle in a silver color for added strength. The buckle is securely attached to the leather strap to ensure long-lasting durability. Once the leather strap is threaded through the buckle it is folded back and double-stitched at the overlapped section. This method ensures that the buckle remains permanently fixed significantly enhancing the belt"s overall strength and longevity.
Fixed Size: The belt comes in a fixed size and cannot be adjusted by cutting.
Non-Removable Buckle: The buckle is securely attached by stitching the leather strap and cannot be removed.
Belt Dimensions: The belt is approximately 40mm wide and 4mm thick.
Belt Holes: There are 5 holes on the belt with each hole spaced 1 inch (approximately 2.5cm) apart.
Brand Logo: The Sugar Cane brand logo is engraved on the side of the belt strap with the buckle.
Studs: The leather strap is adorned with decorative circular steel riveted studs giving your outfit a distinctive and stylish edge.
Model: SC02321 Sugar Cane from Toyo Enterprises Men"s Casual Fashion Studded Leather Belt with Classical and Fashionable Forms of Vintage Leather Belt / Mens Cowhide Leather Belt with Non-Removable Single Prong Square-Shaped Buckle / Cowhide Leather Belt with Pin Closure for Men / Lot No. SC02321 / SUGAR CANE STUDS BELT.
No Box Included: This product does not come with a box.
Natural Leather Characteristics: This item is made from natural leather which may have slight imperfections or color variations. We appreciate your understanding and consideration of this before making a purchase.
Natural Finish: The leather is finished to preserve its natural texture and appearance. As a result some color transfer may occur due to friction perspiration or contact with water. Please exercise caution when wearing light-colored clothing.
Unique Variations: Due to the use of natural leather there may be slight individual differences in texture and color. Marks such as wrinkles grain scars and visible blood vessels reflect the natural life of the animal.
Color Transfer Warning: Color transfer or fading may occur with friction or exposure to water. Please take appropriate precautions when wearing this product.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration when purchasing this item.
Made in Japan
Brand-new new condition with tags.
*Please understand that measurements may vary somewhat.
*Note that actual color may be slightly different from one in the photo.