ぺんてる スーパーマルチ消しゴム ZEB20(110セット) 特徴: 超ハードタイププリンター文字・印刷インキ文字・油性ボールペン文字の消去に適したマルチタイプの字消しです。 ◆材質:消しゴム:熱可塑性エラストマーケース:再生紙(古新聞、ダンボール) A characteristic: 字消 しです of the multi-type suitable for the removal of the super hard type printer letter printing ink letter oiliness ball-point pen letter.
◆Materials: An eraser: A thermoplastic elastomer case: Regenerated paper (old newspaper corrugated cardboard)
A characteristic:
字消 しです of the multi-type suitable for the removal of the super hard type printer letter printing ink letter oiliness ball-point pen letter.
◆Materials: An eraser: A thermoplastic elastomer case: Regenerated paper (old newspaper corrugated cardboard)