ソニック はさみ メガサク3Dエアー 学童はさみ ピンク SK-5247-P(180セット) 子供の工作に最適の、切れ味と使い心地のよいハサミ】 図工でよく使う牛乳パックが、サクサク切れるはさみです。 「メガサク」シリーズ自慢の切れ味はそのままに、本体重量を約25%も軽量化しました。より軽い使い心地で細かい作業にも最適です。 切り初めが滑りにくく、パワフルな切れ味です。2つ折りの牛乳パックを正確に切れるので、細工切りにも最適!! 操作性も抜群!! 手にフィットする非対称ハンドルを採用したほか、刃に角度をつけて、切ったものが手に当たらないよう工夫しています。 フッ素コートを施した3Dアーチ刃を使用しています。 3Dアーチ刃の曲面設計で、テープなどののりが付きにくく、フッ素コートがベタつき・汚れ・サビなどから刃を保護します。刃が擦れないので、フッ素コートも長持ち!! 小さなお子様にも安心の設計。キャップつきで、刃先は丸くなっています。 ソニックの工作用ハサミ「メガサク3Dエアー」は、右利き用と左利き用を展開。 カラーは、右利き用がレッド、ブルー、ピンクの3色。左利き用はイエローです。 こどもの工作用の、牛乳パックもサクサク切れるハサミです。 フッ素コートを施した3Dアーチ刃で、ベタつかず切れ味も長持ちします。 サイズ】W70xH150xD10mm カラー】ピンク 材質】刃=ステンレス鋼、グリップ=PP [good scissors of the sharpness and the feel that are most suitable for the work of the child] A milk pack to use in arts and crafts well is scissors cutting fast. As for approximately 25% the sharpness of the "メガサク" series pride just lightweighted body weight. It is most suitable for the work that is careful for the lighter feel. The limit beginning is grippy and is the powerful sharpness. As I can cut the milk pack of the two fold exactly it is most suitable for a work limit! The operability is superior too! I adopted an asymmetry steering wheel fitting a hand and add an angle to a blade and devise it so that the thing which I cut does not hit a hand. I use the 3D arch blade which I made a fluorine coat on. By the curved surface design of the 3D arch blade there is hard to be paste such as the tape and a fluorine coat protects a blade from stickiness a dirt rust. As a blade does not rub the fluorine coat lasts a long time too! It is designed the relief to a small child. It is with a cap and the point of a sword becomes round.
The scissors "メガサク 3D air" for the work of the sonic presents right-handed business and left-handed business. Business right-handed as for the color is red blue three colors of the pink. The left-handed person business is yellow.
The milk pack for the work of the child is scissors cutting fast too. The sharpness lasts a long time without being sticky with the 3D arch blade which I made a fluorine coat on. [size] W70xH150xD10mm [color] Pink [materials] Blade = stainless steel grip = PP
ソニック はさみ メガサク3Dエアー 学童はさみ ピンク SK-5247-P(180セット)
操作性も抜群!! 手にフィットする非対称ハンドルを採用したほか、刃に角度をつけて、切ったものが手に当たらないよう工夫しています。
[good scissors of the sharpness and the feel that are most suitable for the work of the child]
A milk pack to use in arts and crafts well is scissors cutting fast.
As for approximately 25% the sharpness of the "メガサク" series pride just lightweighted body weight. It is most suitable for the work that is careful for the lighter feel.
The limit beginning is grippy and is the powerful sharpness. As I can cut the milk pack of the two fold exactly it is most suitable for a work limit!
The operability is superior too! I adopted an asymmetry steering wheel fitting a hand and add an angle to a blade and devise it so that the thing which I cut does not hit a hand.
I use the 3D arch blade which I made a fluorine coat on.
By the curved surface design of the 3D arch blade there is hard to be paste such as the tape and a fluorine coat protects a blade from stickiness a dirt rust. As a blade does not rub the fluorine coat lasts a long time too!
It is designed the relief to a small child. It is with a cap and the point of a sword becomes round.
The scissors "メガサク 3D air" for the work of the sonic presents right-handed business and left-handed business.
Business right-handed as for the color is red blue three colors of the pink. The left-handed person business is yellow.
The milk pack for the work of the child is scissors cutting fast too.
The sharpness lasts a long time without being sticky with the 3D arch blade which I made a fluorine coat on.
[size] W70xH150xD10mm
[color] Pink
[materials] Blade = stainless steel grip = PP