ミドリ/アルミ/ウッドジョウギ15CMウスチャ 4902805422574 H20×W160×D2mmアルミと天然木を使用した15cm定規。消えないレーザー刻印目盛りなので、末永くご使用いただけます。 ◆レーザー刻印目盛アルミ製+木製(ヨーロッパ産天然木ブナ使用) The 15cm ruler using H20 X W160 X D2mm aluminum and the tree. As it is a laser carved seal scale not to disappear it is available for a long time. ◆Wooden + made of laser carved seal scale aluminum (use of tree beech from Europe)
ミドリ/アルミ/ウッドジョウギ15CMウスチャ 4902805422574
The 15cm ruler using H20 X W160 X D2mm aluminum and the tree. As it is a laser carved seal scale not to disappear it is available for a long time.
◆Wooden + made of laser carved seal scale aluminum (use of tree beech from Europe)