※1 FXi-02-JA、FXi-09-JAは同時に使用できません。FXi-02-JA、FXi-09-JAをご使用の場合、防塵・防水仕様にはなりません。 ※2 本体出荷時のみ取付可能です。 ********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** Weight incorporation FZ-3000iWP (weight: 3.2 kg) for the A & D dust proofing waterproofing type electron sky bottle proofreading It is most suitable for the measurement of the sample which dancing environment and drop of water of the mine dust adhere to ● The measurement that has high precision anytime if it is the proofreading end FZ-i series in one-touch is possible. ● It is most suitable for the measurement of the sample which dust proofing waterproofing IP65 dancing environment and drop of water of the mine dust adhere to.
● I adopt stainless steel to an aluminum die-casting a lower case to a case on a housing ● The B5 size that it is easy to treat with a compact ● Statistics operation function to collect the statistics and to handle a measurement level and to display a result and to output ● Small shelter belt standard features made of acrylic ● RS-232C interface (D-Sub9P male) is supplied The RS-232C cable for the waterproofing prepares by separate sale too ● I can integrate the FXi-09-JA incorporation battery (NiMH charge pond) sold separately into the sky bottle body and the use at the place without the power supply is possible too ● GLP GMP GCP the ISO-adaptive output ★ Specifications ★
[type] It embeds a weight for the proofreading [model name] FZ-3000iWP [weight] 3 200 g [the smallest indication] 0.01 g [unit mass calculation possibility"s smallest a number mode:] 0.01 g It is 5 10 25 50 or 100 [a number mode: the number of the samples] [mass 100% registration"s smallest a percentage mode:] 1.00 g [indication percentage"s smallest a percentage mode:] 0.01% 0.1% 1% (change automatic by 100% mass) [measurement plate dimensions] materials = SUS304 of φ 150mm / measurement plate [external form dimensions] 193 (W) *262.5 (D) *84.5 (H) mm [body mass] approximately 2.7 kg
● ワンタッチで校正終了、FZ-iシリーズなら いつでも精度の高い計量が可能です。
● 防塵・防水IP65、粉塵の舞う環境や水滴がつくサンプルの計量に最適。
● ハウジングの上ケースにアルミダイキャスト、下ケースにはステンレススチールを採用
● コンパクトで扱いやすいB5サイズ
● 計量値を統計処理し、結果を表示・出力する統計演算機能
● アクリル製小型風防標準装備
● RS-232Cインタフェース ( D-Sub9Pオス)標準装備
● 別売のFXi-09-JA内蔵バッテリ<ニッケル水素充電池>は天びん本体に内蔵でき、電源のない場所での使用も可能
● コンパレータ表示・ブザー付(音量約40dB<本体正面1mでの測定>)
※ 当該商品は自社販売と在庫を共有しているため、在庫更新のタイミングにより、在庫切れの場合やむをえずキャンセルさせていただく可能性があります。
※1 FXi-02-JA、FXi-09-JAは同時に使用できません。FXi-02-JA、FXi-09-JAをご使用の場合、防塵・防水仕様にはなりません。
※2 本体出荷時のみ取付可能です。
【Product description in English】
Weight incorporation FZ-3000iWP (weight: 3.2 kg) for the A & D dust proofing waterproofing type electron sky bottle proofreading
It is most suitable for the measurement of the sample which dancing environment and drop of water of the mine dust adhere to
● The measurement that has high precision anytime if it is the proofreading end FZ-i series in one-touch is possible.
● It is most suitable for the measurement of the sample which dust proofing waterproofing IP65 dancing environment and drop of water of the mine dust adhere to.
● I adopt stainless steel to an aluminum die-casting a lower case to a case on a housing
● The B5 size that it is easy to treat with a compact
● Statistics operation function to collect the statistics and to handle a measurement level and to display a result and to output
● Small shelter belt standard features made of acrylic
● RS-232C interface (D-Sub9P male) is supplied
The RS-232C cable for the waterproofing prepares by separate sale too
● I can integrate the FXi-09-JA incorporation battery (NiMH charge pond) sold separately into the sky bottle body and the use at the place without the power supply is possible too
● GLP GMP GCP the ISO-adaptive output
★ Specifications ★
[type] It embeds a weight for the proofreading
[model name] FZ-3000iWP
[weight] 3 200 g
[the smallest indication] 0.01 g
[unit mass calculation possibility"s smallest a number mode:] 0.01 g
It is 5 10 25 50 or 100 [a number mode: the number of the samples]
[mass 100% registration"s smallest a percentage mode:] 1.00 g
[indication percentage"s smallest a percentage mode:] 0.01% 0.1% 1% (change automatic by 100% mass)
[measurement plate dimensions] materials = SUS304 of φ 150mm / measurement plate
[external form dimensions] 193 (W) *262.5 (D) *84.5 (H) mm
[body mass] approximately 2.7 kg