「オリジナル賞状」を作成されたい方必見! インクジェット・レーザープリンタ対応の<B5判 白>賞状作成用紙です。 賞状用紙の専門メーカーがお勧めする【別漉き用紙】使用の賞状専用用紙だから、 「乾きが早くにじまない!滑らかな肌触り!」を実現しました★ テンプレートで簡単にいろいろな賞状が自由に作れます! 文章のテンプレートはもちろん、さまざまな枠のデザインテンプレートをご用意しています。 手書き(毛筆など)や通常印刷(オフセット)にも対応しています。 ●表彰状 ●感謝状 ●修了証書 ●免許状 など、どんなシーンにもお使い頂けます。 ※この製品はFSC認証紙を使用しています。 10枚袋入 サイズ:縦257mm×横182mm、紙厚-0.193mm 材質:上質紙(157g/m2) The one where "an original certificate of merit" wants to be made is unmissable!
It is ink-jet certificate of merit making paper for laser beam printer . Because it is the paper for exclusive use of the certificate of merit of the use that a specialized maker of the certificate of merit paper recommends [creation of dried laver paper] "Dehydration is not blurred early! I realized fluent feel★
I can easily make various certificates of merit with a template freely! Let alone the template of the sentence I prepare the design template of various frames. I cope with handwriting (including the writing brush) and normal printing (offset). ●Testimonial ●Letter of thanks ●Diploma ●Certificate It is available in など any scene.
※This product uses an FSC certification paper.
Ten pieces of bags case Size: 257mm in height X 182mm in width paper thickness -0.193mm Materials: Fine paper (157 g/m2)
インクジェット・レーザープリンタ対応の<B5判 白>賞状作成用紙です。
The one where "an original certificate of merit" wants to be made is unmissable!
It is ink-jet certificate of merit making paper for laser beam printer
Because it is the paper for exclusive use of the certificate of merit of the use that a specialized maker of the certificate of merit paper recommends [creation of dried laver paper]
"Dehydration is not blurred early! I realized fluent feel★
I can easily make various certificates of merit with a template freely!
Let alone the template of the sentence I prepare the design template of various frames.
I cope with handwriting (including the writing brush) and normal printing (offset).
●Letter of thanks
It is available in など any scene.
※This product uses an FSC certification paper.
Ten pieces of bags case
Size: 257mm in height X 182mm in width paper thickness -0.193mm
Materials: Fine paper (157 g/m2)