Like previous WOW Caution shoes, the latest Way of Wade 10 is also inspired by Dwyne Wade"s game againest Portland Trail Blazers. During that match first Caution colorway of Way of Wade released. The shoes are dressed with classic black base accented with yellow detail to match color theme. For the performance, Li Ning added full length boom sole and carbon fiber on the sneakers. What is more, the one piece dragon-fly inspired vamp is breathable, flexible and supportive.
Like previous WOW Caution shoes, the latest Way of Wade 10 is also inspired by Dwyne Wade"s game againest Portland Trail Blazers. During that match first Caution colorway of Way of Wade released. The shoes are dressed with classic black base accented with yellow detail to match color theme. For the performance, Li Ning added full length boom sole and carbon fiber on the sneakers. What is more, the one piece dragon-fly inspired vamp is breathable, flexible and supportive.
#KOBE コービー
#KD デュラント
#LeBron レブロン
#CURRY カリー
#LUKA ルカ
#HARDEN ハーデン
#KYRIE カイリー
#PG ポールジョージ
#Drose デリックローズ
#lillard リラード
#DAME デイム