※1 EKW-04iとEKW-09iは同時に使用できません。 ※2 EKW-09iは、15時間充電、約9時間使用可(バックライトオフ時)です。 ********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** A & D personal electronic balance EW-150i (weight: 30g/60g/150g) The triple range EW-i series that 3 times acts on ● The triple range which 3 times acts on. ● Light weight a compact design.
● A combination of triple range weighting capacity and smallest indication is replaced by three phases. ● The built-in battery sold separately is available too and does not choose the use place.
● EW-150i a circle plate (φ 100mm) ● EW-1500i/EW-12Ki a corner plate (170mm *133mm)
● RS-232C interface is supplied ● The indication of g number ・% three is available for a change ● "HI " a comparator indication function of "LO" includes it "OK" ● I use a measurement plate made of stainless steel of SUS304 ● The ACAI (calculation precision automatic improvement function) deployment ● GLP GMP GCP the ISO-adaptive output ● Large liquid crystal of letter high 16mm with the backlight ★ Specifications ★
[model name] EW-150i [weight] 30 g of / 60 g / 150 g [the smallest indication] 0.01 g of / 0.02 g / 0.05 g [the number of the measurements"s greatest a number mode:] 15 000 [unit mass calculation possibility"s smallest a number mode:] 0.01 g It is 5 10 25 50 or 100 [a number mode: the number of the samples] [mass 100% registration"s smallest a percentage mode:] 1 g [indication percentage"s smallest a percentage mode:] 0.1% [measurement plate dimensions] φ 110mm [measurement plate materials] SUS304 [external form dimensions] 190 (W) *218 (D) *55 (H) mm
● 3倍働くトリプルレンジ。
● 軽量・コンパクト設計。
● トリプルレンジ、秤量と最小表示の組合せが3段階に切り替わります。
● 別売内蔵バッテリも使用可能、使用場所を選びません。
● EW-150iは丸皿(φ100mm)
● EW-1500i/EW-12Kiは角皿(170mm×133mm)
● RS-232Cインタフェース標準装備
● g・個数・%、3つの表示が切換え可能
● 「HI」、「OK」、「LO」のコンパレータ表示機能付き
● SUS304のステンレス製計量皿を使用
● ACAI(計数精度自動向上機能)搭載
● バックライト付き、文字高16mmの大型液晶
※ 当該商品は自社販売と在庫を共有しているため、在庫更新のタイミングにより、在庫切れの場合やむをえずキャンセルさせていただく可能性があります。
※1 EKW-04iとEKW-09iは同時に使用できません。
※2 EKW-09iは、15時間充電、約9時間使用可(バックライトオフ時)です。
【Product description in English】
A & D personal electronic balance EW-150i (weight: 30g/60g/150g)
The triple range EW-i series that 3 times acts on
● The triple range which 3 times acts on.
● Light weight a compact design.
● A combination of triple range weighting capacity and smallest indication is replaced by three phases.
● The built-in battery sold separately is available too and does not choose the use place.
● EW-150i a circle plate (φ 100mm)
● EW-1500i/EW-12Ki a corner plate (170mm *133mm)
● RS-232C interface is supplied
● The indication of g number ・% three is available for a change
● "HI " a comparator indication function of "LO" includes it "OK"
● I use a measurement plate made of stainless steel of SUS304
● The ACAI (calculation precision automatic improvement function) deployment
● GLP GMP GCP the ISO-adaptive output
● Large liquid crystal of letter high 16mm with the backlight
★ Specifications ★
[model name] EW-150i
[weight] 30 g of / 60 g / 150 g
[the smallest indication] 0.01 g of / 0.02 g / 0.05 g
[the number of the measurements"s greatest a number mode:] 15 000
[unit mass calculation possibility"s smallest a number mode:] 0.01 g
It is 5 10 25 50 or 100 [a number mode: the number of the samples]
[mass 100% registration"s smallest a percentage mode:] 1 g
[indication percentage"s smallest a percentage mode:] 0.1%
[measurement plate dimensions] φ 110mm
[measurement plate materials] SUS304
[external form dimensions] 190 (W) *218 (D) *55 (H) mm