軽くて扱いやすいアルミフレーム賞状額。シンプルなデザインでインテリアを選びません。「ワンロックシステム」によりフレームの開閉もラクラク! ●賞状額 ●規格:大A3 ●質量:470g ●外形寸法:縦466×横341×厚17mm ●収容サイズ:縦440×横315mm ●材質:アルミ、表面=PET、裏面=紙 ●付属品:吊り下げ用ひも ●仕様:箱入 ●収容可能厚:2mm ●材質:アルミ、表面=PET、裏面=紙 ●付属品:吊り下げ用ひも ●仕様:箱入 ●収容可能厚:2mm The amount of aluminum frame certificate of merit which it is light and is easy to treat. I do not choose the interior by a simple design. By "a one lock system" as for the opening and shutting of the frame easily! ●The amount of certificate of merit ●A standard: Large A3 ●Mass: 470 g ●External form dimensions: 466* vertical side 341* thickness 17mm ●Accommodation size: 440* vertical 315mm in width ●Materials: Aluminum surface = PET back side = paper ●Accessories: String for the suspension ●Specifications: Treasuring ●Can take you; a thickness: 2mm ●Materials: Aluminum surface = PET back side = paper ●Accessories: String for the suspension ●Specifications: Treasuring ●Can take you; a thickness: 2mm
The amount of aluminum frame certificate of merit which it is light and is easy to treat. I do not choose the interior by a simple design. By "a one lock system" as for the opening and shutting of the frame easily!
●The amount of certificate of merit
●A standard: Large A3
●Mass: 470 g
●External form dimensions: 466* vertical side 341* thickness 17mm
●Accommodation size: 440* vertical 315mm in width
●Materials: Aluminum surface = PET back side = paper
●Accessories: String for the suspension
●Specifications: Treasuring
●Can take you; a thickness: 2mm
●Materials: Aluminum surface = PET back side = paper
●Accessories: String for the suspension
●Specifications: Treasuring
●Can take you; a thickness: 2mm