取扱説明書 1部、本体ビニールカバー 単4乾電池R03 x 6個 (SK-1120はアルカリ電池添付)
※ 当店ではコード等(センサーケーブル長)、ならびにセンサー長(感温部長)の変更を有料ですがオプションで承ります。 コードの長さを変更したい、センサーの長さを変更したいなどの要望をお受けしますので、ご相談ください。 ※ 当商品は、接続するセンサにより、トレーサビリティ書類(校正証明書、校正成績書、トレーサビリティ体系図、基準器成績書等)の発行が可能です。また、JCSS校正証明書の発行が可能です。すべて別途お見積りとなります。ご要望欄にその旨を記載して、ご注文ください。後日、注文確定メールで販売価格をご連絡いたします。なお、事前見積り対応も行います。 ********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** SATO Sato meter large-scale liquid crystalline digital thermometer SK-1110 1 channel type (only as for the instructions meter) 8014-03 With stand which is convenient in the big indication department that it is easy to watch 1 channel type. The photograph is with a sensor but this product does not have the sensor. It is only instructions meter. The sensor is optional. Please choose a sensor to a use.
※ I am charged a fee but accept a change of (the sensor cable head) such as cords and the sensor head (the temperature-sensing element head) with an option in our store. As you accept a request such as wanting to change the length of the sensor which wants to change the length of the cord please talk. ★ Specifications ★
[model] SK-1110 [product number] 8014-03 [measuring element] temperature (1 channel) [body function] MAX MIN indication hold function AVG (the measurement average temperature) indication measurements memory function (150 datastore) OFFSET (REL) function automatic power OFF (30 minutes) setting cancellation [indication range] - 73.3-1371.0 degrees Celsius It is - 50-0.0 degrees Celsius [at the time of body measurement accuracy (indication resolving power 0.1)]: (0.5% rdg+1) ℃ 0.1-1000 degrees Celsius: (0.3% rdg+1) ℃ 1001-1300 degrees Celsius: (0.5% rdg+1) ℃ ※It becomes out of a precision guarantee other than it. ※Precision +2%rdg in the case of surface sensor connection mentioned above. [body indication resolving power] 0.1 degrees Celsius [measurement sampling] about 0.5sec [sensor] An SK thermocouple: I adopt the ASTM (old ANSI) miniature connector for the K thermocouple [sensor precision] SK thermocouple class 1 [power supply] Size AAA battery R03 x six [battery life] approximately 110 hours [materials] The body: ABS resin heat resistance temperature 60 degrees Celsius [dimensions] The body: (W) 72* (H) 151* (D) 35mm [mass] Approximately 240 g (I include a dry cell) [accessories] One copy of instruction manual body vinyl cover size AAA battery R03 x six (SK-1120 attaches an alkaline cell)
※ Our product is available for the issue of traceability documents (proofreading certificate proofreading results book traceability body genealogy standard device results book) by a sensor to connect. In addition the issue of JCSS proofreading certificate is possible. It becomes all the estimate separately. You list so in a request column and please order it. I will inform you sales price by a settlement of order email later. In addition I estimate it in advance and perform the correspondence.
1チャンネルタイプ 。
※ 当店ではコード等(センサーケーブル長)、ならびにセンサー長(感温部長)の変更を有料ですがオプションで承ります。
※ 当該商品は自社販売と在庫を共有しているため、在庫更新のタイミングにより、在庫切れの場合やむをえずキャンセルさせていただく可能性があります。
チャンネル1- チャンネル2温度差表示
0.1~1000℃ : (0.3%rdg+1)℃
1001~1300℃ : (0.5%rdg+1)℃
0.1~1000℃ : (0.3%rdg+1)℃
1001~1300℃ : (0.5%rdg+1)℃
※ 表示分解能1℃時は上記精度+1digit。
※ 上記範囲以外は精度保証外となります。
※ 表面センサ接続の場合は上記精度+2%rdg。
単4乾電池R03 x 6個 (SK-1120はアルカリ電池添付)
※ 当店ではコード等(センサーケーブル長)、ならびにセンサー長(感温部長)の変更を有料ですがオプションで承ります。
※ 当商品は、接続するセンサにより、トレーサビリティ書類(校正証明書、校正成績書、トレーサビリティ体系図、基準器成績書等)の発行が可能です。また、JCSS校正証明書の発行が可能です。すべて別途お見積りとなります。ご要望欄にその旨を記載して、ご注文ください。後日、注文確定メールで販売価格をご連絡いたします。なお、事前見積り対応も行います。
【Product description in English】
SATO Sato meter large-scale liquid crystalline digital thermometer SK-1110 1 channel type (only as for the instructions meter) 8014-03
With stand which is convenient in the big indication department that it is easy to watch
1 channel type.
The photograph is with a sensor but this product does not have the sensor. It is only instructions meter.
The sensor is optional. Please choose a sensor to a use.
※ I am charged a fee but accept a change of (the sensor cable head) such as cords and the sensor head (the temperature-sensing element head) with an option in our store.
As you accept a request such as wanting to change the length of the sensor which wants to change the length of the cord please talk.
★ Specifications ★
[model] SK-1110
[product number] 8014-03
[measuring element] temperature (1 channel)
[body function] MAX MIN indication hold function AVG (the measurement average temperature) indication measurements memory function (150 datastore) OFFSET (REL) function automatic power OFF (30 minutes) setting cancellation
[indication range] - 73.3-1371.0 degrees Celsius
It is - 50-0.0 degrees Celsius [at the time of body measurement accuracy (indication resolving power 0.1)]: (0.5% rdg+1) ℃ 0.1-1000 degrees Celsius: (0.3% rdg+1) ℃ 1001-1300 degrees Celsius: (0.5% rdg+1) ℃ ※It becomes out of a precision guarantee other than it. ※Precision +2%rdg in the case of surface sensor connection mentioned above.
[body indication resolving power] 0.1 degrees Celsius
[measurement sampling] about 0.5sec
[sensor] An SK thermocouple: I adopt the ASTM (old ANSI) miniature connector for the K thermocouple
[sensor precision] SK thermocouple class 1
[power supply] Size AAA battery R03 x six
[battery life] approximately 110 hours
[materials] The body: ABS resin heat resistance temperature 60 degrees Celsius
[dimensions] The body: (W) 72* (H) 151* (D) 35mm
[mass] Approximately 240 g (I include a dry cell)
[accessories] One copy of instruction manual body vinyl cover size AAA battery R03 x six (SK-1120 attaches an alkaline cell)
※ Our product is available for the issue of traceability documents (proofreading certificate proofreading results book traceability body genealogy standard device results book) by a sensor to connect. In addition the issue of JCSS proofreading certificate is possible. It becomes all the estimate separately. You list so in a request column and please order it. I will inform you sales price by a settlement of order email later. In addition I estimate it in advance and perform the correspondence.