中央にミシン目があり切り離せます。1箱各5色 1~100枚セット。ミシン目付 ●荷札 ●発送用品 ●規格:500枚 ●1枚サイズ:横47×縦130mm(切り離した時:横47×縦70mm<上部>横47×縦60mm<下部>) ●材質:紙 ●色:青、赤、黄、緑、白各色100枚色込み入、連番1~100 ●入数:500枚 There is a perforation in the center and can separate it. One for each five colors 1-100 pieces set. Sewing machine expression of the eye ●Tag ●Shipment article ●A standard: 500 pieces ●One piece of size: 47* wide 130mm in height (time when I separated it: 47* side 47* 70mm in height wide 60mm in height ) ●Materials: Paper ●A color: Blue red yellow green 入 including each 100 pieces of white colors color consecutive numbers 1-100 ●入数: 500 pieces
There is a perforation in the center and can separate it. One for each five colors 1-100 pieces set. Sewing machine expression of the eye
●Shipment article
●A standard: 500 pieces
●One piece of size: 47* wide 130mm in height (time when I separated it: 47* side 47* 70mm in height
●Materials: Paper
●A color: Blue red yellow green 入 including each 100 pieces of white colors color consecutive numbers 1-100
●入数: 500 pieces