コンパクトなのに大容量!新カーボンファイバー配合で強力なのにサッとのりキレ!!●種別:強力に貼れる●色:ピンク●テープ寸法:6mm×12m●外形寸法:縦33×横63×奥17mm●使い切りタイプ Though it is compact it is large-capacity! Though it is strong it appears quickly and goes berserk by new carbon fiver combination! ●Classification: ● color to be able to put strongly: Pink ● tape dimensions: 6mm *12m ● external form dimensions: 33* vertical side 63* depths 17mm ● errand limit type
Though it is compact it is large-capacity! Though it is strong it appears quickly and goes berserk by new carbon fiver combination! ●Classification: ● color to be able to put strongly: Pink ● tape dimensions: 6mm *12m ● external form dimensions: 33* vertical side 63* depths 17mm ● errand limit type