お手持ちのパソコン&プリンタできれいな文字が印刷できるOA対応賞状用紙。鳳凰の枠柄の特金印刷加工で、プリンターを汚しません。インクジェット、レーザーなどのプリンタ、コピーに対応。クリーム地と白地からお選びいただけます。タカ印のホームページから、ワード用、一太郎用、ラベルマイティ用のテンプレートが無料ダウンロードできます。もちろん手書きもOK。 ●賞状用紙 ●1冊入数10枚 ●色:白 ●サイズ:縦297mm×横420mm ●シートサイズ:A3サイズ ●上厚:0.2mm(157g/) ●対応プリンタ:レーザー、インクジェット、熱転写 ●付属品:プリンタ用テスト印刷用紙2枚 The OA-adaptive certificate of merit paper which a beautiful letter can print with your other PC & printer. I do not pollute a printer with the Tokkin print processing of the frame pattern of the Chinese phoenix. I cope with a printer the copying such as ink-jet the laser. You have a choice between a cream place and cloth of white background. From the homepage of the hawk mark I can download a template for the label mighty for Ichitaro for the word free. Of course the handwriting is OK too. ●Certificate of merit paper ●Ten pieces of numbers with one book ●A color: White ●Size: 297mm in height X 420mm in width ●Seat size: A3 size ●Top thickness: 0.2mm (157g/) ●A correspondence printer: I thermally transfer a laser ink-jet ●Accessories: Two pieces of test printing paper for the printer
The OA-adaptive certificate of merit paper which a beautiful letter can print with your other PC & printer. I do not pollute a printer with the Tokkin print processing of the frame pattern of the Chinese phoenix. I cope with a printer the copying such as ink-jet the laser. You have a choice between a cream place and cloth of white background. From the homepage of the hawk mark I can download a template for the label mighty for Ichitaro for the word free. Of course the handwriting is OK too.
●Certificate of merit paper
●Ten pieces of numbers with one book
●A color: White
●Size: 297mm in height X 420mm in width
●Seat size: A3 size
●Top thickness: 0.2mm (157g/)
●A correspondence printer: I thermally transfer a laser ink-jet
●Accessories: Two pieces of test printing paper for the printer