このベスト曲集には500以上のチャート・ヒット曲を収録した音楽家には欠かせない1冊です。 収録曲リスト Africa/Ain’t No Sunshine/All I Need Is a Miracle/At Seventeen/Back on the Chain Gang/Bad Case of Loving You/Bang a Gong (Get It On)/Billy, Don’t Be a Hero/Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain/Brick House/California Dreamin’/Can’t Fight This Feeling/Carry on Wayward Son/Celebrate/Crocodile Rock/Dancing Queen/Free Bird/Have I Told You Lately/Hey Ya!/Hot Blooded/I Saw Her Standing There/I Will Survive/Iko Iko/In the Air Tonight/Jessie’s Girl/Kiss on My List/Lady Madonna/Landslide/London Calling/Man in the Mirror/Moon River/My Sharona/Revolution/Rhiannon/Rock This Town/Smells like Teen Spirit/Smoke on the Water/Wonderful Tonight/You’re So Vain/Your Song/and more. 出版社・発売元 Hal Leonard ・総ページ数:592 ・JANコード:4571453913514 【収録曲】 ・JZB1997 ベスト・ロック・ポップ・フェイク・ブック(C楽器用) ※収録順は、掲載順と異なる場合がございます。
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Africa/Ain’t No Sunshine/All I Need Is a Miracle/At Seventeen/Back on the Chain Gang/Bad Case of Loving You/Bang a Gong (Get It On)/Billy, Don’t Be a Hero/Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain/Brick House/California Dreamin’/Can’t Fight This Feeling/Carry on Wayward Son/Celebrate/Crocodile Rock/Dancing Queen/Free Bird/Have I Told You Lately/Hey Ya!/Hot Blooded/I Saw Her Standing There/I Will Survive/Iko Iko/In the Air Tonight/Jessie’s Girl/Kiss on My List/Lady Madonna/Landslide/London Calling/Man in the Mirror/Moon River/My Sharona/Revolution/Rhiannon/Rock This Town/Smells like Teen Spirit/Smoke on the Water/Wonderful Tonight/You’re So Vain/Your Song/and more.
Hal Leonard
・JZB1997 ベスト・ロック・ポップ・フェイク・ブック(C楽器用)