アラジン グッズ ジャスミン 実写版 ディズニー フィギュア ドール 人形 おもちゃ Disney Princess Jasmine Fashion Doll with Gown Shoes & Accessories Inspired by Disney´s Aladdin Live-Action Movie Toy for 3 Year Olds
アラジン グッズ ジャスミン 実写版 ディズニー フィギュア ドール 人形 おもちゃ Disney Princess Jasmine Fashion Doll with Gown Shoes & Accessories Inspired by Disney"s Aladdin Live-Action Movie Toy for 3 Year Olds
Disney Princess
Disney Princess Jasmine Fashion Doll with Gown Shoes & Accessories Inspired by Disney"s Aladdin Live-Action Movie Toy for 3 Year Olds
6.4 × 15.2 × 35.6
・11-Inch Princess Jasmine doll with removable outfit: in her stylish outfit and with movie-inspired details this doll captures the Princess Jasmine character from Disney"s Aladdin live-action movie ・Removable beautifully detailed outfit: Jasmine doll features a removable outfit that includes sparkly pants gold-colored heels a sheer overskirt and gold-colored details ・Poseable fashion doll: This princess Jasmine doll features five points of articulation for poseable play ・Start a Disney Aladdin doll collection: surround this Jasmine doll with other movie-inspired dolls like genie Aladdin Jafar and Dalia. Each sold separately. Subject to availability ・Toy for kids ages 3 and up: This Jasmine doll is a great birthday gift or holiday present for 3 year olds and older
・Removable beautifully detailed outfit: Jasmine doll features a removable outfit that includes sparkly pants gold-colored heels a sheer overskirt and gold-colored details
・Poseable fashion doll: This princess Jasmine doll features five points of articulation for poseable play
・Start a Disney Aladdin doll collection: surround this Jasmine doll with other movie-inspired dolls like genie Aladdin Jafar and Dalia. Each sold separately. Subject to availability
・Toy for kids ages 3 and up: This Jasmine doll is a great birthday gift or holiday present for 3 year olds and older
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アラジン グッズ ジャスミン 実写版 ディズニー フィギュア ドール 人形 おもちゃ Disney Princess Jasmine Fashion Doll with Gown Shoes & Accessories Inspired by Disney"s Aladdin Live-Action Movie Toy for 3 Year Olds