It will be a commemorative trophy for clearing the final quest of Sword Art Online Anomaly Quest
The appearance is as shown in the picture, and it will be a clear blue color like a transfer crystal. I wonder if it"s an item dropped to escape by reaching the clear.
The material is glass, and it comes in a solid box, and it has a solid sense of weight. I will give you a set in a box.
It"s quite difficult to clear all of them, so I thought it would be okay to give it away if there was someone who wanted it, so I put it up for sale.
As of April 1, 2024, 60,000 people have challenged, and the total clearing is 90 people, and the clearing rate is 0.15%, which is very difficult to obtain.
ソードアートオンライン アノマリークエストのファイナルクエストクリアで記念に戴きましたトロフィーになります。
It will be a commemorative trophy for clearing the final quest of Sword Art Online Anomaly Quest
The appearance is as shown in the picture, and it will be a clear blue color like a transfer crystal. I wonder if it"s an item dropped to escape by reaching the clear.
The material is glass, and it comes in a solid box, and it has a solid sense of weight. I will give you a set in a box.
It"s quite difficult to clear all of them, so I thought it would be okay to give it away if there was someone who wanted it, so I put it up for sale.
As of April 1, 2024, 60,000 people have challenged, and the total clearing is 90 people, and the clearing rate is 0.15%, which is very difficult to obtain.