特徴: 格調高い、本革製。コーナーは表側と同じ革で丁寧に作りこんであります。 商品仕様: ◆仕様:本革製◆化粧箱入り ◆材質:表紙面:本革貼り・縫製加工、中面:本革製コーナー・布帛貼り ◆本体サイズ:幅225×高さ311×背幅18mm Features: Made of high quality leather. Corners are carefully crafted in front and the same leather.
◆ Paste materials: cover surface paste leather and sewing inside corners made of leather and fabric ? Dimensions: width 225 × height 311 x tall width 18 mm
Made of high quality leather. Corners are carefully crafted in front and the same leather.
Product specifications:
◆ specification: leather ? boxed
◆ Paste materials: cover surface paste leather and sewing inside corners made of leather and fabric
? Dimensions: width 225 × height 311 x tall width 18 mm