マイラップ緑】 MY-183(100セット) 特徴: メタリックな輝きの美しい装飾用テープです。ポリエステルベースで熱や水に強く、粘着力にも優れています。装飾を兼ねた包装や防湿密封包装に。運動会や文化祭などのデコレーションに。 商品仕様: ◆ゴム系 ◆材質:アルミ蒸着PET A characteristic: It is tape for the beautiful decoration of the metallic brightness. I am strong in heat and water on the basis of polyester and am superior in the adhesive strength. Packing and the dampproofing that served as decoration to sealing and wrapping it. For the decorations such as an athletic meet or the school festival.
マイラップ緑】 MY-183(100セット)
A characteristic:
It is tape for the beautiful decoration of the metallic brightness. I am strong in heat and water on the basis of polyester and am superior in the adhesive strength. Packing and the dampproofing that served as decoration to sealing and wrapping it. For the decorations such as an athletic meet or the school festival.
Product specifications:
◆Rubber system
◆Materials: Aluminum vapor deposition PET