キング カラーホルダー 770緑 キングジム 4971660007400 キングジム カラーホルダ-(D-PRO)緑 A4S 770ミト 特徴: 機能的デザインのホルダー。シンプルで飽きのこないデザイン。書類の出し入れのしやすさを追求。 商品仕様: ◆タテ型 ◆規格サイズ:A4 A characteristic: The holder of the functional design. The design which is simple and wears well. I pursue easy putting in and out of documents.
キングジム カラーホルダ-(D-PRO)緑 A4S 770ミト
A characteristic:
The holder of the functional design. The design which is simple and wears well. I pursue easy putting in and out of documents.
Product specifications:
◆Standard size: A4