ゼブラ 多機能ボールペン フィラーレ 2+S P-SA11-BK ブラック(30セット) 主な特長 ◆高級感を兼ね備えた多機能ペン 軸とクリップには金属を使用。重厚感にこだわったメタルボディがビジネスシーンとなじみ、ワンランク上の高級感を演出します。 ◆ロータリー式の流麗なスタイル 緩やかで優雅なラインのフォルムと、滑らかなしっくり感にこだわったロータリー式のスタイルが使い心地の良い多機能ペンです。 ◆エマルジョンインク搭載 油性のしっかりした手ごたえと、水性のさらさらした軽さを兼ね備えたエマルジョンインクを搭載し、なめらかな書き味と鮮やかで濃い筆記線を実現しています。 ボール径:0.7mm 替芯 :ESB-0.7 替消しゴム:X替消しゴム シャープ芯 :0.5mm インク色 :黒・赤 サイズ :最大径Φ11.7mm×全長141mm 重量 :29g Main features ◆The multifunctional pen which had sense of quality I use metal for an axis and a clip. The metal body which was particular about a solid feeling matches with a business scene and directs higher-grade sense of quality. ◆Rotary-style flowing elegant style The form of the gentle elegant line and the fluent rotary-style style that was particular about a feeling nicely are the good multifunctional pens of the feel. ◆The emulsion ink deployment Is equipped with the emulsion ink which had aqueous dry lightness and an oily steady response and is smooth; write it and realize taste and a bright dark writing line.
Ball diameter: 0.7mm Extra lead: ESB-0.7 A spare eraser: X spare eraser A sharp core: 0.5mm An ink color: Black red Size: Greatest dimension Φ 11.7mm X 141mm in total length Weight: 29 g
ゼブラ 多機能ボールペン フィラーレ 2+S P-SA11-BK ブラック(30セット)
替芯 :ESB-0.7
シャープ芯 :0.5mm
インク色 :黒・赤
サイズ :最大径Φ11.7mm×全長141mm
重量 :29g
Main features
◆The multifunctional pen which had sense of quality
I use metal for an axis and a clip. The metal body which was particular about a solid feeling matches with a business scene and directs higher-grade sense of quality.
◆Rotary-style flowing elegant style
The form of the gentle elegant line and the fluent rotary-style style that was particular about a feeling nicely are the good multifunctional pens of the feel.
◆The emulsion ink deployment
Is equipped with the emulsion ink which had aqueous dry lightness and an oily steady response and is smooth; write it and realize taste and a bright dark writing line.
Ball diameter: 0.7mm
Extra lead: ESB-0.7
A spare eraser: X spare eraser
A sharp core: 0.5mm
An ink color: Black red
Size: Greatest dimension Φ 11.7mm X 141mm in total length
Weight: 29 g