『Battenwear(バテンウェア)』から、パッカブルトートが届きました。 The Packable Tote was created to make every day mundane tasks a bit more bearable (pun intended). Seriously we love this bag. The short straps are great for when you want to hand-carry your gear and the adjustable cross-body strap makes for convenient hands-free carrying. And when you’re not using it pack it up into its little interior zip pocket for a compact bundle ready to whip out the next time you need it. It’s a perfect travel and shopping accessory especially since it’s made of durable lightweight rip-stop nylon.
Packable Tote
The Packable Tote was created to make every day
mundane tasks a bit more bearable (pun intended).
Seriously we love this bag. The short straps are great for
when you want to hand-carry your gear and the adjustable cross-body strap
makes for convenient hands-free carrying.
And when you’re not using it pack it up into its little
interior zip pocket for a compact bundle ready to whip out the next time you need it.
It’s a perfect travel and shopping accessory
especially since it’s made of durable lightweight rip-stop nylon.
* color variation *
商品名:バテンウェア パッカブルトート (BAG-010-31) (バッグ)
カラー:(Olive Drab/Tan:オリーブドラブ/タン)
素材:cotton 100%
生産国:made in U.S.A.
* sizechart *
* 送料:全国一律¥300
* 手渡しではなく補償なしのポスト投函です。
* 日時指定はできません。
* お届けまでに3日~2週間ほどお時間を頂きます。
* 複数点のご注文で定型外となる場合は、通常の
宅配便扱いとさせて頂きます。 ■注意事項