This is a custom-made lowboard made by Truck Furniture(Japanese campany). There are three tenons inside, and the included shelf board can be sandwiched between them for storage. Due to changes in my living environment, I decided to sell. If you have any questions, please contact us.
W 600 mm D 500 mm H 500 mm
状態:新品に限りなく近い状態 環境:ペット飼育・喫煙無し 付属:棚板1枚(純正)、説明書
Condition: Very close to new condition Environment: No pets, no smoking Included: 1 shelf board (genuine)
Truck furniture に依頼し、オーダーメイドで制作されたローボードです。内部に3つのホゾがあり、付属する棚板を挟み、収納にすることも可能です。住環境の変化により、手放すことに致しました。
This is a custom-made lowboard made by Truck Furniture(Japanese campany).
There are three tenons inside, and the included shelf board can be sandwiched between them for storage.
Due to changes in my living environment, I decided to sell.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
W 600 mm
D 500 mm
H 500 mm
Condition: Very close to new condition
Environment: No pets, no smoking
Included: 1 shelf board (genuine)
トラック 家具