Klein Tools 56430 Glow Fish Rod Set Wire Puller 30-Foot
【商品名】 Klein Tools 56430 Glow Fish Rod Set Wire Puller 30-Foot クラインツール56430グローフィッシュロッドセット、ワイヤープーラー、30フィート 【カテゴリー】Tool Sets (Tools & Home Improvement)(ツールセット(ツールとホーム改善)) : Klein Tools 【商品説明】 ・Set of six 3/16-Inch (4.7 mm) diameter x 5-Foot (1.5 m) long lightweight extra-durable mid-flex glow rods that assemble up to a full 30-feet (9.1 m) ・Protective Splinter Guard coating keeps hands protected from fiberglass splinters ・Durable 1/4-Inch diameter stainless steel connectors ・Illuminated tip has tapered ends for easy pushing and pulling and is ideal for low light applications; excellent for telecom and datacomm installations ・Made in USA ・Included: bullet nose hook and LED-illuminated fish rod tip to attach grab and guide wires ・U.S. Pat. No. 9 062 834
Klein Tools 56430 Glow Fish Rod Set Wire Puller 30-Foot
【カテゴリー】Tool Sets (Tools & Home Improvement)(ツールセット(ツールとホーム改善)) : Klein Tools
・Set of six 3/16-Inch (4.7 mm) diameter x 5-Foot (1.5 m) long lightweight extra-durable mid-flex glow rods that assemble up to a full 30-feet (9.1 m)
・Protective Splinter Guard coating keeps hands protected from fiberglass splinters
・Durable 1/4-Inch diameter stainless steel connectors
・Illuminated tip has tapered ends for easy pushing and pulling and is ideal for low light applications; excellent for telecom and datacomm installations
・Made in USA
・Included: bullet nose hook and LED-illuminated fish rod tip to attach grab and guide wires
・U.S. Pat. No. 9 062 834